Am I a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Am I a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Almost everyone is a good candidate for Invisalign. It wasn’t always that way, and you may have been told in the past that Invisalign® couldn’t help you. Since its creation, Invisalign®’s technology has seen improvements that make it suitable to treat almost all malocclusions.

Invisalign® Technology is Amazing

Align Technology, the creators of Invisalign®, continue to improve this treatment method. In 1999, when Invisalign® was new, it was only good for correcting minor alignment problems. Patients with more serious issues were treated with traditional metal braces.

In order to create a more reliable material to make their tray aligners, Align Technology developed their patented SmartTrack® material. Researchers spent 8 years completing strenuous testing on more than 260 different materials. No other tray aligner system uses this unique, durable material.

Another great tool in the Invisalign® arsenal is the iTero Element® scanner. This highly accurate, 3D scanner creates an interactive virtual “map” of your mouth. This means no goopy impressions and a much better alignment fit. With the ability to take 6,000 images per second, it is much quicker than molds too! The iTero scanner can show a predicted outcome image, and also track changes at each appointment.

Because of these technological advances and more, Invisalign® is capable of correcting many different alignment problems.

Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

In most cases, yes, you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. In fact, the list of alignment issues that Invisalign® can reliably correct include:

  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Gap teeth
  • Crowding
  • Underbite
  • Overbite
  • Crooked teeth

While there are a few problems that won’t respond well to Invisalign® treatment, that list gets smaller with new developments from Align Technology.


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Invisalign® works using constant, gentle pressure to shift teeth into proper alignment. Patients should wear trays for 20 to 22 hours each day. Since patients remove the trays for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene, there are no dietary limitations. Each tray set is worn for about two weeks, then patients shift into the next set in the sequence.

With the addition of Invisalign First® and Invisalign Teen®, treatment can begin for children as young as seven! The versatility of Invisalign® is growing daily.

Contact Us for a Complimentary Initial Consultation

If you are interested in discovering if you are a good candidate for Invisalign, please accept our offer of a Complimentary Consultation. You can begin right now with our Virtual Consultation. However, if you are ready to schedule an in-person visit to Spain Orthodontics, you can schedule using our Scheduling Widget.

Our entire staff is knowledgeable and compassionate. We’re looking forward to meeting you to discuss your smile goals. You may call or text us at (206) 693-3123 or email us at

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