Invisalign Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you are considering Invisalign, you likely have quite a few questions. We tried to answer as many of the standard questions on this Invisalign FAQ page. If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact the office at Spain Orthodontics.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear tray alignment system developed by Align Technologies. Since entering the market in 1999, Invisalign has been used to treat over 9 million orthodontic patients. The trays, made from clear SmartTrack material, gently shift your teeth into proper alignment. The clear, removable alignment trays are preferred over traditional metal braces because they are almost invisible. Invisalign trays also have fewer dietary restrictions than traditional braces.

Who can use Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign was originally intended as an “adult” option to traditional braces. The popularity of Invisalign soon led to the development of Invisalign Teen. Invisalign First has been added recently, which is designed to treat children with a combination of baby and adult teeth. So, the answer to this question is that everyone is a potential candidate for Invisalign treatment. After a complete exam, Dr. Spain will explain your options and determine if Invisalign would suit you.

How does Invisalign work?

Using a series of clear alignment trays, Invisalign works by gently shifting your teeth over time into the correct alignment. While traditional braces require adjustments by the orthodontist, you switch into the next set of trays with Invisalign. Each tray set is designed to move your teeth until they gradually align to form your perfect smile. Trays are normally exchanged on a two-week cycle. You will need to see Dr. Spain approximately every 6 to 8 weeks so he can check your progress.

How much does Invisalign cost?

Although we can’t list a hard figure, we can state that the average cost for Invisalign is between $5,500 and $7,000. Your cost may be lower or possibly higher, depending on the extent of alignment correction needed. You can calculate your estimated monthly payment using the payment calculator on our site.

Are there payment options for Invisalign treatment?

Yes, there are many ways to pay for Invisalign treatment. You can use dental insurance to offset a portion of approved costs. You can also set up a monthly payment plan. If you have a health saving plan through your employer or a private entity, you may be able to use a portion of that savings to pay for your Invisalign treatment.

How do I take care of Invisalign aligners?

Alignment trays should be brushed with a soft bristle toothbrush and regular toothpaste. Rinse them in lukewarm water. Hot water can damage your trays by warping the plastic. It is essential to brush your teeth after each meal and clean your trays before reinserting them after eating. Your Invisalign trays can become discolored with stains. Trays can also develop odors and bacteria buildup without proper cleaning. When to clean your trays:

  • When you wake up each morning
  • After each meal (or any time that you have removed your trays)
  • Before bed each night

If you cannot clean your trays or brush your teeth properly due to location or lack of facilities, rinse your mouth thoroughly, rinse your trays, and brush as soon as you return to a convenient location. It would be best to soak your aligners once per day in a denture cleaner or with Invisalign Cleaning Crystals.

Is Invisalign better than metal braces?

Metal braces and Invisalign both have advantages and disadvantages. Weighing the differences, we can’t say that one is better than the other. In some instances, braces may be the better choice, and Invisalign would be better in others. After your initial consultation, Dr. Spain will talk to you about each treatment and recommend which would be the best option for your personal plan.

How long does the treatment take?

The length of your personal treatment will vary based on the level of realignment you will need. In some cases, treatment can be as short as 6 months. In most cases, the average treatment period is 12 to 18 months, while some cases take up to 36 months or longer to treat effectively.

Does Invisalign hurt?

Although some people claim to have no pain at all, we must admit that most patients experience some discomfort. This normally occurs within the first couple of days with a new set of trays. As your teeth shift and become accustomed to their new positioning, the discomfort should fade.

Do I have to wear my aligners all the time?

Tray aligners are removed for eating and drinking (other than water). For maximum efficacy, Invisalign needs to be worn between 20 and 22 hours per day (22 is better). The longer, the better. While your teeth are shifting, they may be slightly loose and are subject to movement. Not wearing your Invisalign for the prescribed time may result in additional discomfort and may extend your treatment period’s length.

Mail order tray systems are cheaper. Are they as good as Invisalign?

Simply stated, no. Imagine the differences between a one-size-fits-all jogging suit and a tailored tuxedo. While they may be less expensive, the mail-order trays are made without an actual examination, leading to other problems. An orthodontist uses x-rays and digital imagery and conducts a thorough visual exam of your mouth. This gives a better perspective of your entire jawline and bone structure, whereas the mail-order aligners are constructed using a single impression of your teeth’s external surfaces only. Dr. Spain monitors your treatment with Invisalign, making it the much safer option.

Will I have to have a special diet?

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign trays are removed for eating. Technically, there are no dietary restrictions, but we do recommend avoiding some foods during treatment. Due to the shifting of your teeth during treatment, some foods may cause more discomfort. The most important key to an effective Invisalign treatment is maintaining good oral hygiene after all meals.

What problems does Invisalign fix?

With advancements in technology, Invisalign treatment has expanded the scope of treatment to include:

  • Over- and under-bite
  • Crowding issues
  • Gap teeth
  • Crossbite
  • Misaligned jaw/bite alignment
  • Problems resulting in TMJ

Invisalign is becoming a widely-used procedure, preferred over traditional braces.

Can my teen get Invisalign?

Yes! After Invisalign became available for adults, more teens expressed a desire for “invisible” braces. Align Technologies developed Invisalign Teen. While sharing many similarities with Invisalign, Invisalign Teen have a few extra features. The most significant difference is the tracking indicator. The indicator gives a visual reference that keeps track of how long the trays have been worn. For an active teen, the Invisalign Teen option allows them to remove trays for school pictures, after-school sports, and other activities. Teens still need to wear the trays for 20 to 22 hours per day, but flexibility is nice.

Are there different types of Invisalign?

Yes. Currently, there several types of Invisalign treatment available, based on a patient’s age range:

  • Adults — Invisalign
  • Teens — Invisalign Teen
  • Children as young as 7 years old — Invisalign First
  • Rapid treatment for minor alignment adjustments — Invisalign Express

Each treatment classification has specific advantages for the age group they are intended to serve. Invisalign Teen has features designed to make the treatment more effective for active teens. Invisalign First is designed for beginning early intervention for children during the stage when they have both baby teeth and adult teeth to prevent problems later in development. Invisalign Express is designed for minor alignment adjustments and is usually prescribed for six months or less.

Does dental insurance cover Invisalign?

Although every insurance policy is different, many do cover Invisalign treatment. Please check with your carrier for their policies. If you need assistance with this, please contact the office at Spain Orthodontics, and our staff will help.